So I have to say that blogging has not been on my mind in so long I can't remember the last time I logged into this account to even look at it....and that is a shame since this blog saved my sanity during my husband's 15 month deployment so many years ago....
I looked through my blog list today and like myself so many of my long lost blog friends have abandoned their blogs, they sit with their last entries as a memorial to their lives, lives lived during a time when we all relied on our blogs to keep ourselves connected during a time when we thought that without the connection we shared, we thought we might lose ourselves. Perhaps that was true, but what have we lost by losing touch with that part of us. I know that I put so much of what I wrote into draft form, not leaving that vulnerable part of my heart, my soul, open for the world to see after it, the deployment was over.
What was it about sharing that part of myself that was okay during such a difficult time in my life that was okay, but then, as the days ticked by afterwards, I looked back and decided that I no longer wanted my personal thoughts open for scrutiny by the world? Am I the only soldiers wife, the only warriors wife that felt that way?
I still find as I reread those entries, and see the outpouring of comments supporting me through those tough days, when I did not know if I was ever going to see my husband again and now, like then, thank God for my blog friends. They truly were my lifeline, as this blog was, at the time, a world that I never knew would be the one saving grace in my life....why did it take 7 years in reflection to come back and to say it...for now there are people who either will not remember me that still blog and those who no longer blog or have, like I said, have left their blogs sitting as an empty reminder of what we were to one another.....blogsphere friends....
To each of you, thank you from this Soldier's Wife for what you were to me back then, I would never have gotten through it without you or this blog.