
I could not have said this any better!

My friend and fellow milspouse blogger Cat and I had an interesting email conversation the other day.  It was about opinions and the election.  She is very strongly set about her opinions on our up and coming Presidential Election and will speak to anyone about those feelings, but as outspoken she is in person, she was very standoffish about making a post on her blog about it....

Now while I am not a huge political writer, that does not make me any less passionate about the election then the next person, I only touch on the subject....which makes Cat and I different...she really wanted to write about it in depth....so I sort of gave her some reasons why she should...and I'm very proud to say that she went ahead and wrote about it....Please take a moment and read her post.....I think she made some good arguments as to why she feels the way she did.... reasons that just add to why I am so against O'bama, but not everyone will know all of it, because it was never reported on in the news......

Anyway here is her post entitled PACKING A PUNCH