
In reading.....

The book HOUSE TO HOUSE by David Bellavia

I found myself reading a story I already knew.....my husband fought with this unit, knew it's leadership and was friends with those that were lost.......

I found myself hanging on, hoping that the story would not turn out as it did in real life.......in the end it just served as another reminder to both my husband and I what we have endured to be where we are today, to thank God for every morning we wake, every sunset we are blessed to be around for and every smile we see on our children's faces. So much could have turned out differently, as simply as a decision made by someone in the opposite direction in which it was made, would have altered our outcome so much that the mere thought of it gives me pause to cry......

This is a gripping tale that I feel every soldier, every warrior should read. Both new warriors and those that strive to understand what and why they do what they do each day, to ensure our Nation's freedom remains in tact.......should also read this, those that do not share our love for this life, our fears for what it brings and the amount of courage and strength it takes to do what we do, would simply not understand why I find this book such a great read......and that is really a shame.....these people lived, they fought and some died........and they were just like you and I......with families left behind to sort out the remains of the day.

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